January 5, 2010

Fear Not, The Blog Shall Return!!

We've been having some technical issues with our home PC..... (it's why I love my Mac,  because I never have these issues with my Mac!) My tech-genius brother got no less than 37 viruses off of our PC last week... but for some reason it still won't connect to Blogger, thus I am unable to update the blog from my PC, which is where I store all of our digital photos. But I am diligently working on it so that you, the faithful reader (are there really any of you out there??) can once again be entertained by our daily antics. I've got some new features that I'm going to try out on the blog, so be sure to stay tuned.

1 comment:

  1. I take it from the lack of comments that no, I actually don't have any faithful readers. SIGH.
